Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 16th, Aachen

Yesterday was Pat-Pat and E's last day before they moved on to London, but Puppy had to work in the afternoon, so we went on a quick morning trip to Aachen. This time Jackie, Nancy D's very well-behaved dog, came with us to add general cuteness to the experience. Just a half hour drive away, Aachen is an adorable town that is famous for it's Imperial Cathedral, Kaiserdom, which is where Charlemagne is supposedly buried. We had lunch at a Nobis Printen cafe which specialized in gingerbread. I had a chicken curry wrap (surprisingly not as delicious as the one from the gas station) and a mystery dessert that looked as if they had made a long PVC pipe out of thin cake, filled it with cream, and thickly sliced it. Turns out it was a lemon cream cake and it was extremely fluffy and light.

After lunch, Puppy stayed outside with Jackie while Nancy D took us into the cathedral. It was HUGE, elaborately decorated, and closed. You could step just inside, but everything was blocked off with scaffolding.

*SuperNova Travel Tip: Do not put all of your hopes in one cathedral. Sights that you've always dreamed of seeing can be closed, under rennovation, impossible to find, outside in the rain, away on tour, or any number of other disappointing circumstances. It's important to remember not to fall apart because you didn't get to see the Mona Lisa. Usually the stories about your days that go wrong are your most interesting or funny and often the moments that you will remember the most clearly are the ones you didn't plan. Keep an open mind, the only thing that can ruin your trip is you.

Pat-Pat and E left early this morning and Puppy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Puppy, arrived this afternoon. We'll head to Monschau tomorrow and get our mustard on.

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