Saturday, July 16, 2011

And Thus it Begins


It's that time of year again where I leave the country and fill the internet with excruciatingly detailed accounts of my journeys abroad. Those of you who have known me a long time can be relieved that this summer I am choosing the blog route (again) instead of periodically filling your inbox with short novels. However, because it is open to the universe, I will not be using the full names of my travel companions to protect their privacy and keep them from hunting me down later.

This summer will feature such fantastic and far off places as England, Scotland, Germany, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, and wherever else I may end up when (not if) I take the wrong train. I write what I experience and try to add in travel tips for whomever is interested. I have very little interest in purple prose and do not sugar coat or filter my thoughts, though I probably should (I definitely recall being angry at the Coliseum in Rome for being dirty, which, in retrospect, was possibly a little unfair).

(A quick side note - due to the lack of internet availability, I usually travel for a few days and then stop and write about my misadventures.  So the date in the entry title is the date I was in various places, not the day/time stamp on the blog.)

If you are a friend or family member, please do not feel compelled to read the blog “because you should;” my intention is not for this to be homework, just something amusing to read while having one’s morning coffee. If you are unknown to me and are reading my blog, then I hope that you pick up some useful tips and avoid the mistakes that I will inevitably make.



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